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Moto Chain
Posted by Benji
This is the strongest bike chain I've encountered. I had to use my motorcycle chain breaker to get it to the right length, and it was still a struggle. It's been my experience that a chain is most likely going to break when it skips off the sprocket, popping it at the rivet. With this chain you'll probably just jam your gears, which I suppose is better than taking a stem to the knee. It should be noted that this chain may not fit some smaller (12t) cassette/screw-on sprockets though, due to the extra wide plates.
Reply from TartyBikes
Hi Benji!
Thanks for the review. It's great to hear you like your new chain.
We've seen riders use these chains on 20" bikes before with 12t rear sprockets so as far as we're aware compatibility shouldn't be an issue for screw-on sprockets at least. Just to note, due to the width, we wouldn't recommend using them with anything other than a single speed setup.
Hugest chain ever. Awesome
Posted by MR
I have to emphasize how FAT this chain is.. it is slightly larger than the chain on some 125cc bikes and weighs an absolute ton.. so if you're a weight watcher then this is not for you - but if youre like me and hate scootering to the shops on a broken bike leaving a trail of shin-blood only to be rewarded with crunching and creaking from a new chain adjusting to knackered cogs, then buy this NOW - if your bike gets hit by a nuke you can be sure the chain will still be sitting on top of a puddle of molten metal.. also - its very hard to get the pins out due to the length of them unless you have a motorbike chain tool to hand.. i have a large chain tool for half-link chains and had to push the pin through as much as possible, then roll up cardboard and shove it in, then wind the chain tool all the way, then out and repeat (it will move the pin about 0.2mm a time, but works..) its worth looking at a 3/16 compatible chain tool when fitting this or asking your local motorbike garage to help fit it. another thing - it is very inflexible and as such if you have it well dialed in it can be impossible to get it off the sprockets to get the back wheel off - if you have this issue you have to remove the drive-side crank each time. And lastly - the linking plate sites slightly prouder on one side than the other plates - so it scraped my bashguard and sounded like my freewheel was skipping as it only happened when the chain was under stress - if this happens turn the linking plate the other way round! with all this in mind, I love my chain, and would definitely buy another for my next bike.
Reply from TartyBikes
Hello - Due to the width it can be a bit fiddly getting your Tank chain running nicely - as you found - but the trade off is that strength. I'm glad you've got things working well for you though, and thanks for the detailed review!