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The best 19" rear tire I've ever run..
Posted by Bobby-TheDemolitionMAN
I've ridden all types of modified trials tires and the Jitsie rear, is one of the best I've ever run.I got forced to ride Maxxis due to previous sponsorships and I never liked there mod tires.They'd tend to freeze in the cold and it was like riding a brick. The Jitsie tire is just amazing in all weather conditions and it's light and responsive when I ride as well.I haven't any side blow outs, or fold overs, due to running low pressure.When up on obstacles, it nearly feels like you're glued to it.An extremely well made and thought out tire, a definite must have. I highly recommend this tire to any trials ride out there, who rides street or natural.. TheDMAN
Reply from TartyBikes
Hi Bobby!
Thanks for the detailed review, we're glad to hear you're enjoying the Reverz tyres.
Thanks again!