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TartyBikes Ltd, Units 3-4, Club Street, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6FN
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What are these O-rings for? I mean what function do they perform? And how are they supposed to be installed?
Posted by Andy
Reply from TartyBikes
Hi Andy
The o-rings insert into a small cut out on the rear of the backing, which allows them to grip the 'pin' on the slave cylinders. Plastic backings use a pincer style 'clip' instead, as the material allows for this flexibility. It's not possible to replicate this with aluminium, so an o-ring is a simple, and effective alternative!
To install, carefully push the o-ring into the hole on the rear of the TNN backing, ideally getting it mostly located into the groove inside. You can then carefully work it fully into the groove using a very small screwdriver, or hex key. Make sure it's tucked in all the way around, inside and out! Once it's completely in the groove, run around the inside of it with a smooth hex key or screwdriver, to make sure it's seated fully. A drop of chain oil, or silicone lubricant, will help pad installation onto the slave cylinder.