- Born: 1983
- Home town: Preston.
- Bike: Monty M5, with dual discs of course!
- Other sponsors: Organic fruit & vegetables (I wish).
- How long have you been riding?: Trials since 1999, mountain bikes a couple of years before that.
- How often do you ride?: A few times a week, mostly mountain biking at the moment, though.
- Favourite riding spot: Blackstone Edge.
- Fave move/trick: Up to front wheel to Frenchie flick to rear wheel thingymabob. Some people call it a BamBam.
- Proudest trials moment: Going on group rides and seeing people I've never met before wearing TartyBikes T-Shirts.
Product code: 13726
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RRP: £25.00
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TartyBikes Ltd, Units 3-4, Club Street, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6FN
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