- Born: 2012
- Home town: Derby
- Bike: Clean X3 Pro
- Other sponsors: Project 7
- When did you start riding?: I had a Monty balance bike, and then my dad bought me a Monty 207 in 2019 to play on when I couldn’t ride my motorbike. In 2020 I got a Jitise 970
- How often do you ride?: Every day
- Influences: Adam, Jack, Charlie and the Weightman’s in the U.K. Hilda, Larena Hees, Perrine and Nina from abroad
- Favourite riding spot: My back garden because we can alter it to make new obstacles.
- Fave move/trick: Big gaps
- Proudest trials moment: Winning in Viborg and being part of Team GB
- Social Media:
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